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Description : iNFO Auto Insurance In San Jose : meet Mike from San Jose mike hasn't checked his car insurance policy in a while like millions of other...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Automobile Insurance Terms Insurance FAQs : but it was the manual also here
and the promise insurance group
and i'm a certified insurance counselor
today will talk about how to understand
on a mobile stern's terms
honestly it's real simple
now a auto insurance is called auto insurance insurance the auto insurance
we hold is called home insurance insurance for your life is called life
insurance when a lot of ways
uh... they sure as policies really simple the terms
four consumer protection insurance companies are required to have a section
on s
definition of terms in every insurance policy
grab your insurance policy they return to go on the stand go to the definition
of terms section in read through
you could also ask you churns agent or you can call the hundred-number because
let's face it today we have many different ways by which we purchased
uh... an auto insurance policy for instance
possible back to that source if you have additional questions
uh... terms in your insurance policy
irony manuals to you
and i think you force
How to Understand Automobile Insurance Terms Insurance FAQ

Description : Automobile Insurance Terms Insurance FAQs : but it was the manual also here principle and the promise insurance group and i'm a certifie...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info Auto Insurance 101 AutAomobile : hello my name is Lisa Liberty I'll be speaking on the basic the bottom
for most people buying an automobile is the first major purchase
actually a new car second only to a home
at the most expensive purchase many consumers make with vehicle prices
over twenty eight thousand dollars it's easy to see why one would want to
protect that investment
before we talk about coverage for the i-mobile itself
I'd like to start with what many people believe is the most important coverage
of all
liability coverage liability coverage pays for the
injuries or damage you or someone driving your car
cost other people or their property the two liability coverages are called
bodily injury liability and property damage liability
every state has different laws dictating the minimum coverage you must carry for
some states require you to prove you have insurance before registering a
motor vehicle
and other states use the honor system where you only have to provide proof if
you have an accident or violation
a typical state required minimum coverage is 2550 10
and I'll provide an example shortly to explain what that means
there are four states that do not require drivers to carry
any liability coverage just because it's not required by law
does it mean you don't need it let's say you have an accident
you're distracted momentarily and rear end the BMW in front of you
there are three people in it
all of whom suffer some injury if you're carrying liability coverage of 25-50 10
that means your insurance company will cover the cost if any one person's
rehabilitation expenses pain and suffering
and time off from work up to twenty-five thousand dollars
but they will not pay more than fifty thousand dollars for the accident
regardless of the number of people injured
this is the bodily injury portion and your insurance company will pay up to
ten thousand dollars for the property damaged
saw three people were injured might say they're
injuries total seventy-five thousand dollars and the BMW has rear end damage
if thirteen thousand dollars
your policy will pay for fifty thousand dollars for all injuries
and 10,000 for the property damage where does the remaining twenty five thousand
for bodily injury
and 3,000 for property damage come from once your policy pays the maximum limit
you could be held personally responsible for the remaining amount
it's generally recommended that you carry more than the state minimum
to protect yourself from this financial risk the next coverage under an
automobile policy is medical payments coverage
this provision protect you and your passengers if you're hurt in a car
regardless of who's at fault the coverage also extends to you and your
family members
if you're a passenger in someone else's car or if your pet has trained injured
by on mobile
medical payments coverage pays the medical bills resulting from an accident
up to a per person maximum commonly five thousand dollars
there are no deductibles and no waiting period under this coverage
and prescription drugs related to the injuries are covered
consider that accident with the BMW again
let's say that you in your passenger are both injured and taken by ambulance to
the hospital
medical payments coverage a five thousand dollars
will cover the cost of the ambulance ride the emergency room visit
and subsequent doctors visits up to five thousand dollars per person
if your medical bills total seven thousand dollars
and your passengers total three thousand dollars the policy will pay
eight thousand dollars under this coverage some states have a medical
payments coverage known as personal injury protection
or PIP this coverage may have a deductible
and it may allow you to click for lost wages a rehabilitation expenses
two things that regular medical payment coverage does not cover
I third coverage provided by and i mobile insurance policies
uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
this coverage is quoted similarly to bodily injury liability
even tho mandatory insurance laws exist in 48 States
nearly fifteen percent all accidents are caused by
uninsured drivers uninsured motorist coverage provides protection for you and
your passengers
when you're injured in an accident with an uninsured motorist
it will cover your medical bills rehabilitation expenses
lost wages pain and suffering things you could have claimed against the
at fall party's insurance if they had it
underinsured motorist coverage will cover those same losses
if the aP File parties coverage is insufficient for your loss
keep in mind in most states the uninsured
underinsured motorist coverage applies to injury only
and not for damage to your vehicle protection for your automobiles provided
under the collision and comprehensive portions have a policy
collision coverage applies when you have an accident involving another vehicle
or an object such as a telephone pole
a guardrail a building or when you overturn your vehicle
comprehensive coverage applies in losses involving fire
theft vandalism broken glass
hitting an animal fighter hail damage or
other losses not caused by collision
these coverages have a deductible the amount you must pay before the insurance
company pays for damages
calming collision deductibles are five hundred dollars or thousand dollars
and common comprehensive deductibles are 100 or 250
if your automobile is financed then you're required by the bank or finance
to carry comprehensive and collision coverage is until that loan is paid off
it's important to note an insurance company will never pay more to fix your
than the vehicle is worth
to other coverages available through many insurance companies
are towing an emergency road service and rental car reimbursement
while these coverages are optional I always recommend them as part of my full
coverage package
i mobile insurance rates are based on many factors including where you live
your age what you drive how much you drive
and the coverage you carry one way to keep your insurance costs down
is to take high comprehensive and collision deductible
as a vehicle gets older and is not financed many people choose to drop
these two coverage is completely
as a way to save money additionally
many people choose to pay for small claims out of their own pockets
as a way to keep their weight down but remember
the coverage you carey is just one of the factors contributing to the cost of
there are things you can do to make sure you get the best price possible
the first is to keep your driving record clean
your driving record is used as a predictor of future experience
accidents in violation stay on your record for three years
and major violations and suspension stay on for five years
many companies now use a scoring model that combine to driving record with a
variety of other information
including certain elements of your credit history and prior insurance
to determine your cost for insurance this means that paying bills on time
could affect your insurance rate as could the number of claims you file on
your policy
automobile insurance can be confusing but a little knowledge can go a long way
in providing you the protection you need Auto Insurance 101
Description : Info Auto Insurance 101 AutAomobile : hello my name is Lisa Liberty I'll be speaking on the basic the bottom insurance for most people...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
watch carefully this looks like a regular car accident but its actually an
elaborate crime with multiple players
look at the right side of your screen that white SUV is the lead car
the drivers on the lookout for women driving alone who were turning left into
a Los Angeles shopping center
1c spots one he flashes his brake lights
a signal for his partner many waves for the woman to turn in front of them
but wait now he pulls up in blocks away she has nowhere to go
his partner in the oncoming traffic lane races up and smashes into her vehicle
and the lead car simply drives away
she was probably set up who's at fault if the police were called on this
the left earlier I Watkins is a special agent with the National Insurance Crime
he says the criminals have extensive networks including doctors who create
bogus medical claims
the only good two maybe three times with promos and will sign that they've been
there thirty thirty five times
and lawyers who represent the criminals posing as
injured passengers by inflating the damage to their cars and their bodies
the crooks cashing in on insurance policies
there's been a big upswing in insurance fraud a lot of people earn it work they
need the money
and they'll get involved in these accidents
think this was just some random crime think again
surveillance cameras catch the same white SUV
at the same location another day same game plan
same result lead car waves the woman's car to turn
then blocks away the second car creates the crash
and the maddening thing is the criminals in both incidents were never caught
here's what it would look like from the victim's perspective I wanna turn left
into that entrance over there and at first the other driver waves me on
but when I go to go people lost my way in a second car
barrels down house in Sydney
insurance companies lose money on the scams but the victims can lose their
the women in the to Los Angeles accidents we showed you recovered
2003 Alice Ross a 71-year-old grandmother with
killed in a staged accident when Ward m elaire rammed his car into hers she lost
control and slammed into a tree
delaware was convicted of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide
they'd like to find a nice car usually with the lone female driver
newer car because they're pretty sure we'll have insurance on it
these demonstrations courtesy of the United Services Automobile Association
show the other types have staged accidents you should be aware of
but in the panic stop the criminal looks for a distracted driver
positions himself in front of them and then plans on the brakes
claims painful back and neck injuries in this woman squat
a quick drive the radically and falls in front of an accomplice who then hits and
drive down is when a driver pretends to be courteous
waves you around his car then crashes into you
what's so
menacing is that in olive be staged accidents
books make it like you are the one at fault
Description : watch carefully this looks like a regular car accident but its actually an elaborate crime with multiple players look at the right side of y...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info : Auto Insurance
yes I I recently graduated here in you guys fall
let me stay on my parents auto insurance anymore alright
watch West on how you justify charging me
303 dollars a month I gotta
quote from you guys online I'm looking at it right now one
problem well for one thing I see you're charging me fifteen dollars extra every
month here cuz I'm
nail ok shown that male drivers are hiring so it's a it's a penis tax
what your your website any two options male or female
but what's your stance on UNIX cuz
I might be inclined to just chop the thing of it that's going to cost me 180
dollars a year
a lot size is taken into consideration as I mean if it is I'm
on not sure fifteen dollars a month is enough
for me it you know what I'm sayin hit
I also noticed that when I turn 25 my
my rates will go down that's correct okay that's that's cool cuz I I turn 25
here pretty soon
on I you'll probably need my mailing address
just Kodak actual will
or higher power are you gonna send me my birthday gift one think
I just figured he said up boxes up dry in talent
out to people when they turn 25 I mean I i've never turn 25
but is is it like a a second puberty but really fast that makes you
instantly less civil liability I gotta say though I'm
I'm really hoping my driving talent comes in the form of a birthday present
I am I don't get a lot of birthday presents cuz my friends is so jealous
Wireless cuz my penis is so huge
so basically I'm pain 303 dollars a month
because a lot of other people by age and my gender have gotten in Rex
p.m. okay well ball what couldn't you
can you find a different way of classifying me you could group me
with people who have big feet I have big first
well you know what they say about people with big feet down shit
happy p.m. nell they're great drivers
nice try though per you know what I think Tim pics I think there are some
eighteen-year-olds who are better at driving then some 40 year old
imagine there are sure and I think there are some in would write like with
I just think it's wrong to charge some 16 year old kid
for something he might do that's assuming
and you know what happens when we assumed 0-10 capturing no
we make an ass at me and you make more money all
thanks to have to take dollars I was just kidding about my penis earlier
it it's totally small
Description : Info : Auto Insurance yes I I recently graduated here in you guys fall let me stay on my parents auto insurance anymore alright watch West...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
Info : Best Automobile Insurance, California's Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program , too many bills think you can afford auto insurance
did you know there's a state program that makes it possible to get liability
insurance for under four hundred dollars a year
good drivers owning a vehicle value to 20,000 last to meet the income
requirements may qualify for the state at california's low-cost automobile
insurance program find out if you qualify
Crescenta Insurance is a local independent insurance agency,
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At Crescenta Insurance, we know your name and are happy to meet you face-to-face. We offer better service than the lizard
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Stop in for a free no-obligation review of your personal insurance program or
Description : Info : Best Automobile Insurance, California's Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program , too many bills think you can afford auto insura...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at
info : Cycling covered by automobile insurance
hi I'm Brian Wilson a board certified personal injury attorney in Orlando
and I do a lot of cycling what do these two things have in common
well unfortunately florida leads the nation in the number of annual bicycle
related fatalities
and most to these accidents involve a collision with a car
many cyclists are unaware that in the state of Florida
cycle is involved in a bicycle motor vehicle accident
can seek compensation for their injuries under their own
automobile insurance policy if you look at your automobile insurance statement
you'll find the coverage called personal injury protection
or pip pip covers
eighty percent in medical expenses as 60 percent in lost wages
up to the coverage amount as stated in your policy if however medical expenses
and lost wages exceed what is covered under this area
then you are covered under the negligent parties liability insurance
unfortunately it is estimated that one out of every four Florida drivers
are uninsured this means that you must make sure you purchase sufficient
uninsured motorist insurance also known as
%um %um coverages optional in the state of Florida and too often people opt not
to buy it
because they don't understand that %um protect them
from the negligence other drivers if you see the you currently do not have %um
do yourself a favor call your agent today and purchase it
the cost to include %um trance on your policy is relatively inexpensive
and the value is immense here's another option that will give you even greater
if you have more than one car on your policy asked for stacking %um coverage
when you purchase the stacking option you're able to receive the combined
should you be in an accident if you have any questions regarding a cycling
and your legal rights call me at 407
244 3,000 .
Description : info : Cycling covered by automobile insurance hi I'm Brian Wilson a board certified personal injury attorney in Orlando Florida and I d...
Rating : 5 CA California Located at